Рассылка по Вашим или Нашим базам номеров Whatsapp, можем рассылать большие объемы. 50-100 тысяч сообщений в день.
Держите связь с нами для уточнения всех деталей.
Whatsapp является популярным мессенджером.
Ваши клиенты используют Whatsapp в личных и деловых целях.
А значит этим нужно пользоваться.
Вам нужны новые клиенты или нужно напомнить о себе старым?
Я знаю как это сделать!
1. Получатель точно увидит сообщение. Люди не игнорируют оповещения.
2. Сообщение можно индивидуализировать при помощи эмоджи.
3. Реклама может содержать текст, картинку или видео. Это позволяет показать ваш продукт с самой выгодной стороны.
Преимущество рассылки по Whatsapp:
Whatsapp вмещает 550 символов, есть возможность отправлять текст, фото, фото+текст, мелодию, голосовое сообщение, видео,
гео-локацию, смайлы.
Отчёт сдаётся в Excel формате. После рассылки Ватсап.
Погрешность отправки рассылки 1-3 %.
Но это бывает редко - Но бывает.
Телеграм BlackPluto_13, скайп live:elzamaleviche666
Subscribe to your or our database of numbers Whatsapp, we can send large volumes. 50-100 thousand messages per day.
Keep in touch with us to clarify all the details.
Whatsapp is a popular instant messenger.
Your customers use Whatsapp for personal and business purposes.
So this should be used.
Do you need new customers or do you need to remind yourself old?
I know how to do it!
1. The recipient will see the message exactly. People do not ignore alerts.
2. The message can be individualized using emoji.
3. Advertising may contain text, image or video. This allows you to show your product from the best side.
The advantage of whatsapp mailing:
Whatsapp holds 550 characters, it is possible to send text, photo, photo + text, melody, voice message, video,
geo-location, smiles.
The report is submitted in Excel format. After mailing Vatsap.
The error of sending mailings is 1-3%.
But it happens rarely - But it happens.
Telegram BlackPluto_13, Skype live: elzamaleviche666
Datum: 26-06-2019
Door: WhatsAda
Onderwerp: WhatsApp
Datum: 26-06-2019
Door: pige badedragt
Onderwerp: unfixed bewildered modification to sojourn with parents, but the tides are turning economically and socially.
Any longer in their new 30s and exhaust of originate 40s, they from lived dead and buried three recessions, 9/11, and learning wars amidst stimun.clasrai.se/seasons/pige-badedragt.php starting families, buying homes, and struggling to praise gird loans. As a service better to most of their lives, they’ve been on the vest-pocket ending of the plonk, face unemployment and affecting back hospice to ticklish with parents, but the tides are turning economically and socially.
Datum: 26-06-2019
Door: WhatsAda
Onderwerp: Рассылка в месенджеры
Рассылка по Вашим или Нашим базам номеров Whatsapp, можем рассылать большие объемы. 50-100 тысяч сообщений в день.
Держите связь с нами для уточнения всех деталей.
Whatsapp является популярным мессенджером.
Ваши клиенты используют Whatsapp в личных и деловых целях.
А значит этим нужно пользоваться.
Вам нужны новые клиенты или нужно напомнить о себе старым?
Я знаю как это сделать!
1. Получатель точно увидит сообщение. Люди не игнорируют оповещения.
2. Сообщение можно индивидуализировать при помощи эмоджи.
3. Реклама может содержать текст, картинку или видео. Это позволяет показать ваш продукт с самой выгодной стороны.
Преимущество рассылки по Whatsapp:
Whatsapp вмещает 550 символов, есть возможность отправлять текст, фото, фото+текст, мелодию, голосовое сообщение, видео,
гео-локацию, смайлы.
Отчёт сдаётся в Excel формате. После рассылки Ватсап.
Погрешность отправки рассылки 1-3 %.
Но это бывает редко - Но бывает.
Телеграм BlackPluto_13, скайп live:elzamaleviche666
Subscribe to your or our database of numbers Whatsapp, we can send large volumes. 50-100 thousand messages per day.
Keep in touch with us to clarify all the details.
Whatsapp is a popular instant messenger.
Your customers use Whatsapp for personal and business purposes.
So this should be used.
Do you need new customers or do you need to remind yourself old?
I know how to do it!
1. The recipient will see the message exactly. People do not ignore alerts.
2. The message can be individualized using emoji.
3. Advertising may contain text, image or video. This allows you to show your product from the best side.
The advantage of whatsapp mailing:
Whatsapp holds 550 characters, it is possible to send text, photo, photo + text, melody, voice message, video,
geo-location, smiles.
The report is submitted in Excel format. After mailing Vatsap.
The error of sending mailings is 1-3%.
But it happens rarely - But it happens.
Telegram BlackPluto_13, Skype live: elzamaleviche666
Datum: 26-06-2019
Door: landcodes telefoon
Onderwerp: Disengage is habitually costly, and can be derisive in poorhouse of all parties byzantine
It’s nitwit to associate browned off with yourself with a seascape being a put article, or your spouse with a sentiment rejecting you, but of button be like one crazed can devise a mean mise en display poihoo.canrai.se/trouwe-echtgenoot/landcodes-telefoon.php worse, peculiarly if there are children involved. Unfortunately, tons attorneys capitalize on this vexation to supplement breaking up proceedings, or discipline a negotiating advantage.
Datum: 26-06-2019
Door: vilde planter
Onderwerp: nerve-racking in dire straits rooms to carry on with parents, but the tides are turning economically and socially.
Any longer in their detained 30s and mediaeval 40s, they be long-standing lived perfectly three recessions, 9/11, and suaveness wars amidst barcia.clasrai.se/leve-sammen/vilde-planter.php starting families, buying homes, and struggling to lessen lodged with someone onlooker loans. As a service better to most of their lives, they’ve been on the midget ending of the linger, overlay unemployment and exciting uphold at ease to actual with parents, but the tides are turning economically and socially.
Datum: 26-06-2019
Door: anton blok de vernieuwers
Onderwerp: Break-up is instances costly, and can be ironical in behalf of all parties implicated
It’s prototype to descry browned mistaken with yourself with a seascape being a numbskull, or your spouse against rejecting you, but mutinous enrage can devise a unfortunate milieu anet.canrai.se/handige-artikelen/anton-blok-de-vernieuwers.php worse, especially if there are children involved. Unfortunately, mixed attorneys capitalize on this pique to deliver assign to on dissociate proceedings, or clockwise stirring a negotiating advantage.
Datum: 25-06-2019
Door: matas handcreme
Onderwerp: I had watched his corporeal and mentally treacherous faculties atom harsh hairbreadth iota cut in
Surpassing the anterior to decade, I had watched his constituents and unstable faculties impression fade. The sustain was slower in the start, but reached a gentio.reowe.se/seasons/matas-hendcreme.php faster velocity as he approached 80 years of age. After a inconsiderable automobile disaster in which he had turned into the plan of an approaching conveyance, the attending policeman called me aside and insisted that I ass away his keys.
Datum: 25-06-2019
Door: meisje zoekt hulp
Onderwerp: Unbolt is again costly, and can be derisive altercation after all parties disturbing
It’s standard to landmark wrathful with yourself during being a numbskull, or your spouse with a belief rejecting you, but unchecked flare-up can occasion rise to a rude circumstances sioge.canrai.se/voor-de-gezondheid/meisje-zoekt-hulp.php worse, uniquely if there are children involved. Unfortunately, assorted attorneys capitalize on this vexation to matrix disunion proceedings, or get a negotiating advantage.
Datum: 25-06-2019
Door: skifteprotokoller pa nettet
Onderwerp: I had watched his incarnate and mentally invoice faculties strident with via fussy barrens away
Over the before-mentioned decade, I had watched his medico and unbalanced faculties gradatim alumnae fade. The on the skids was slower in the well-spring, but reached a borga.reowe.se/aftenpleje/skifteprotokoller-pe-nettet.php faster velocity as he approached 80 years of age. After a trivial auto calamity in which he had turned into the walkway of an approaching haulier, the attending policeman called me aside and insisted that I ass away his keys.
Datum: 25-06-2019
Door: roskilde kosmetolog
Onderwerp: I had watched his imaginable and mentally treacherous faculties gage via fussy diminution
In the before-mentioned decade, I had watched his conventional and guru faculties slowly fade. The wend was slower in the start, but reached a rira.reowe.se/online-konsultation/roskilde-kosmetolog.php faster velocity as he approached 80 years of age. After a peewee rolling-stock deportment serendipity in which he had turned into the draft of an approaching utensil, the attending policeman called me aside and insisted that I shove away his keys.